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This memorial website is to honor the memory of Debra Lorraine Estes, one of the "Green River" victims. Debra was murdered at the age of 15 by Gary L. Ridgway, a Seattle-area based truck painter employed for many years by Kenworth Trucking Company. 



Debra was strangled to death by Ridgway after he picked her up on the Sea-Tac Strip on or about September 20, 1982.  She was only fifteen years old and had become involved in prostitution and the street life.  She was an adventurous teen who was trying to grow up too fast and experience life on her own terms.  Her parents and siblings worried about her and searched for her.  Given time, she doubtless would have realized that this lifestyle was not for her, and would have gotten out of it on her own. However, Ridgway made certain that Debra would never have that chance.  He was completely indifferent to anyone else's pain or anything but his own desires. 



Debra's life story is found on the "Life Story" page of this website. 



The webmaster is interested in victims' rights, and so put up this website to honor Debra's memory. She has not made any money off this site, nor does she intend to do so. She merely wanted Debra to be remembered for being a lively, free spirit trying to experience life on her own terms; while her decisions may not have been wise, most teenagers are trying to learn what life is all about and do not necessarily make wise choices.  However, these choices should never result in murder.  Her death has crushed her family and friends and those who loved her.  At Ridgway's trial, her mother spoke movingly about her daughter and the effect that her daughter's disappearance and murder had had on the Estes family. 



My condolences to the Estes family and those who knew and loved Debra Lorraine Estes.  Rest in peace, Debra. 

"Desire is half of life, indifference is half of death."

--Kahlil Gibran

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Debra Lorraine Estes
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